Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dyslexia syndrome-reading,writing disorder

To understanding better all barriers for Dyslexia Syndrome writers i will write from my own perspective and experience.To understanding Dyslexia/if you are not familiar with it /please read this Hub:
The sad fact is that people with Dyslexia can meet the high standards at most of popular writers sites.

Why i have a need to raise my voice for dyslexia syndrome writers

To understanding better all barriers for Dyslexia Syndrome writers i will write from my own perspective and experience.To understanding Dyslexia/if you are not familiar with it /please read this Hub:
The sad fact is that people with Dyslexia can meet the high standards at most of popular writers sites.
This fact putting people with Dyslexia in kind of .lets call it Ghetto
People with Dyslexia have lot to tell and love to write that,like to publish it even with spelling errors,with poor grammar and with long ,sometimes very confuse sentence.
To make possible people with Dyslexia ,write and publish at HubPages ,only require small afford of HubPages stuff -before publishing Hug!
If people with Dyslexia have to meet all rules at HubPages we will never ever be able to be full members of this site.
For me and all other people with Dyslexia is only open place to write at our own web pages or blogs.
We are all equal,so we would like to be equal here to.
Few words about me:
I was born long time ago,1955 and in that time Dyslexia was not yet recognized.My grandma and my mother was so very upset when they found me not able to learn read even simple words such as "mama".
Till my ages of 6 i was able to resolve very complicate math problems from my cousin 7th grade math book,but i was unable to spell,to write or to understand any kind of simple words .
Sentence was to high barrier for me.
With lot parents love and with time i learned to recognize letters ,i was able to recognize it but i still could not put letters together in a word.
That was so very frustrated for my parents at first place,than it was big problem for me to.
But i had luck,big luck with my teacher.
She was teacher with long experience with teaching,she was lady with big heart and she helped me in many ways.
My parents with my grandma and my teacher together force me to improve my math knowledge and in same time i raised my self-respect.
Dyslexia Syndrome is not something what we can cure,we born with it and we will never cure it ..we only can make it less strong.
With time and proper help we are able to learn how to write,read,spell .
Writing and reading help as to beat Dyslexia.
Most people have strong prejudice about people with Dyslexia Syndrome
Even this days some think about Dyslexia Syndrome as mental retardation,which certainly Dyslexia is not,opposite most of people with Dyslexia Syndrome have very high IQ!
Click at link to see list of most famous people with Dyslexia.
People with Dyslexia need understanding and support.
One of the best practice for people with Dyslexia is to write and read as much more they are able.
Writing on daily basses, help people with Dyslexia more than anything else.
My mission is to help all kids with Dyslexia ,as well my kids and my grand-kids.
Last 10 year i enjoy writing blog and all this years i was struggling to be a part of popular writings community.
I must admit,rules at popular writing sites such as HubPages are to hard for people with Dyslexia.
People with Dyslexia cant reach high writing standards on HubPages.
So ,as a woman with Dyslexia I'm rising my voice for equal rights to write and publish posts/hubs/ for all people,even people with Dyslexia.
Most people are very supportive and open to understand difficulty people with Dyslexia.
Why not give a chance to write people with Dyslexia.
Writing help us to feel worth as much are all other people who don't have Dyslexia.
I know,after this Hub i will be banned from this community,but if only few people read this my mission is done.






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few words!

Learning English from net maybe isn't the Best idea ,but in that time my children still were at home, and my only solution was learning English from net. During years i met so many sweet people who helped me lot with English language. I wanna thank to all and each of that fantastic friends. I started to write this post ,with clear toughs about using "Mature woman" as description of myself. Most of net users first tough about words:Mature Women is little dirty tough. But in my language is OK,even more than OK to say:I AM MATURE WOMAN! Well my dear readers I AM VERY PROUD MATURE WOMAN! TAKE IT OR LIVE IT!!!!

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