Stroke not only ruin people who had it but also make big and hard and deep changes in every family life touched with stroke of family member.
Prevention is the most powerful way to avoid all this tragedy made from a stroke.
Recovering after stroke is very hard and very slowly.
If person with stroke is older than 70 years recovery goes even more slow and its big question will be possible to have good recovering for patients over 70 years.
Patient and family need some time to accept this new situation.
In one moment you have person full of life and energy and in a second,after stroke person look more like vegetable!
In hospital cant do much,there is no good medicine to remove brain damaged after stroke.
The most important point in patient recovery is family support and love.
Patients after hard stroke need support 24 hour a day.
Whole family have to change way of life,to have stroke patient in home meaning big changes in every family member life.
How we can help patient who safer so very much after stroke.
That patients ,most of them ,safer of depression,most of them dont want to live any more,most of them cry all day long and most of them cant accept this big hard change in there life.
Recover after brain stroke is very long,very hard and not last and not less important so very expensive.
You must start with special drill right after stroke,next day if its possible.
My experience with stroke patient is big and if you have any question and if you only need to speak to someone be free to contact me at
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