Friday, February 10, 2012

Andropause-How women can help men to deal with Andropause/ADAM/

How women can help men to deal with Andropause/ADAM/

First we have to clear what really Andropause is?
here is  definition and explanation from

"Andropause describes an emotional and physical change that many men experience as they age. Although the symptoms are generally related to aging, they are also associated with significant hormonal alterations. Andropause is a natural subtle decline in hormones that happens as men age. While medical professionals have known for a long time that the production of hormones by the testes slowly decreases as men age, interest has developed only recently in the clinical implications of andropause.

Andropause is also referred to as male menopause, male climacteric andropause, male andropause, late onset hypogonadism, androgen decline in the aging male (ADAM) or viropause. The term andropause may be considered somewhat inappropriate because the process is not universal and occurs subtly over time. In women, menopause occurs universally and usually happens dramatically.

ADAM or andropause is a fairly common condition and the incidence of andropause (or hypogonadism) increases with age. The incidence from ages 40-49 is estimated between 2%-5%. From ages 50-59, the incidence is estimated between 6% and 40%. From ages 60-69, the incidence is estimated between 20%-45%. The incidence from ages 70-79 is estimated between 34% and 70%. The incidence of hypogonadism in men older than 80 is estimated at 91%. The spread of estimated ranges is quite large because different specialists use different ways to measure androgens and use different minimum levels to define andropause. The important thing is that if a patient feels there are reasons for concern, he should visit a doctor to learn more."

Well, if we look at statistic both women and men have a same problem with hormones.
If you look at net you will be able to see so many links to site who write about menopause.
On the other side Andropause/ADAM/ is not good cover with informations..
Why is that?In my opinion the main reason for this come form men refuse to admit problem.
Men are very vulnerable and to proud to admit hormonal problem.
Women in most dont have problem to talk open about Menopause and all side effects which going with certain ages.
I have understanding for this men acting,its much easier for women to talk about dry vagina or lower sex drive.
Men in our traditional world must be powerful and macho man!
Andropause showing that men is liable to all problems which going with aging.
Woman can provide the best support to her lover.
We/women/ need to show our partner love and support,we/women/ must understand our men in this hard life period.We/women/ must be very patient if our parter  start to look after younger lover ---lol...with aging men start to be even bigger child!

Post by Nini Estera Your comments are very welcome!






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Learning English from net maybe isn't the Best idea ,but in that time my children still were at home, and my only solution was learning English from net. During years i met so many sweet people who helped me lot with English language. I wanna thank to all and each of that fantastic friends. I started to write this post ,with clear toughs about using "Mature woman" as description of myself. Most of net users first tough about words:Mature Women is little dirty tough. But in my language is OK,even more than OK to say:I AM MATURE WOMAN! Well my dear readers I AM VERY PROUD MATURE WOMAN! TAKE IT OR LIVE IT!!!!

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